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Still have questions? Here's answers to our most frequently asked questions.


Q: How long does the placement process take?
A: Typically we ask for 4-6 weeks for a placement, but we can be flexible and work with you and your timeframe.


Q: Why do you give to CASA of Madison and Clark Counties?

A: At Bluegrass Nannies, we're committed to more than just connecting families with exceptional caregivers. We believe in being an integral part of our community and making a positive impact wherever we can. That's why we've chosen to donate a portion of our finder's fee to CASA of Madison and Clark Counties.

We believe that every child deserves to have a supportive village surrounding them as they grow and thrive. CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocates, shares this vision by providing trained volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. By supporting CASA, we're not just donating money; we're contributing to the creation of a strong support network for vulnerable children in our community.

At Bluegrass Nannies, we aspire to be more than just a placement agency. We want to be a business that builds villages for all children, ensuring that they have the love, care, and support they need to reach their full potential. Our partnership with CASA is a reflection of this commitment to making a difference in the lives of children and families in Madison and Clark Counties.

Thank you for supporting Bluegrass Nannies and helping us make a difference in our community.


Q: Does it cost to be nanny for Bluegrass Nannies?

A: Absolutely not! We will never charge nannies to share their skills and amazing qualities with the families we work with. We want to create an amazing environment for nannies to thrive in as well so once you're in please join our nanny-only Facebook group where we share tips, crafts, playdates, nanny nights out, and more!


Q: How do you handle emergencies or circumstances where the nanny can't come in?

A: At Bluegrass Nannies, we understand that emergencies or unforeseen circumstances can arise, and we have protocols in place to handle such situations with care and efficiency.

In the event of an emergency or if a family encounters any challenges with their nanny placement, we encourage open communication and prompt contact with our agency. Our team is available to provide support and guidance, and we will work swiftly to address the situation and find a suitable resolution.

Depending on the nature of the emergency or issue, our response may involve providing temporary childcare solutions, facilitating communication between the family and the nanny to address any concerns, or arranging for a replacement nanny if necessary.

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